Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So, dad had his check-up with his Oncologist.  His MRI showed that the tumors have had some reduction in size- in other words this round of chemo has been effective.  We (Dad's family, including himself) can tell that there has been some definite improvement.  His speech and balance have gotten a lot better!  Dad will continue with another round of Temodar, with the same routine.  It will be a two month treatment- taking a pill each day for 5 days- off for a month and then taking a pill each day for 5 days and off for a month.  After the second round of pills, dad will have another MRI to determine how the tumors are handling the second round.

Dad has been enjoying watching all the Olympic events!  But can hardly wait for DUCK season...and I don't mean hunting for all those non-duck fans.  I am sure if you were to ask when the first game is, he would be able to tell you before you even finished the sentence.  What a loyal fan- definitely the biggest duck fan I know.

Thank you again for all the love, support, prayers, gifts (bread, cookies, goodies, lots of diet coke and chocolate and everything else I might have forgotten).  Thank you for those that have helped with the girls!  It really does mean a lot!  Also, thank you for those that have helped financially!  We can't not express how grateful we are for the generosity of those that have helped out in that way!

Dad wants to thank you all for the emails (dad loves to read emails from old friends- remembering the good old days..., calls, visits, texts, lunches, and whatever else that I may have forgotten.

So, thank you again to everyone!

Love, the Figgats

Dad and Kacey on U of O campus- GO DUCKS!