Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Dad has finished the fourth round of chemo last week and has been doing great!  He handled this round of chemo (along with all the others) like a champ having no side effects!  Like the last update, we can all see improvement with Dad's speech/communication and his balance.  He will have another MRI in a few weeks to see again how the tumors are reacting to the chemo.  

Dad, Mitch and Frankie on game day- GO DUCKS!
Dad is THRILLED that football season has begun!  Every Saturday is like Christmas morning for him.  Proudly displaying his Oregon flag, watching game day and all the other games throughout the day and even going to a few himself (of course with some welcomed company).  He has loved going to the Duck game these past few weeks!  He has also enjoyed hanging out with his grand-daughter Frankie for the past few weeks- she definitely keeps him on his toes and he is definitely being the best grandpa ever!

Megan, Sydney, Mitch and Dad on game day- Quack Quack
Dad's brother, David and his wife Stephanie came up for a long weekend to visit with the family.  It was a great visit for everyone, oh the stories that were told!

Thank you again for all the love, support, prayers, gifts (bread, cookies, goodies, lots of diet coke and chocolate and everything else I might have forgotten).  Thank you for those that have helped with the girls!  It really does mean a lot!  Also, thank you for those that have helped financially!  We can't not express how grateful we are for the generosity of those that have helped out in that way! 

Dad wants to thank you all for the emails (dad loves to read emails from old friends- remembering the good old days...,) calls, visits, texts, lunches, and whatever else that I may have forgotten. 

Love, the Figgats

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So, dad had his check-up with his Oncologist.  His MRI showed that the tumors have had some reduction in size- in other words this round of chemo has been effective.  We (Dad's family, including himself) can tell that there has been some definite improvement.  His speech and balance have gotten a lot better!  Dad will continue with another round of Temodar, with the same routine.  It will be a two month treatment- taking a pill each day for 5 days- off for a month and then taking a pill each day for 5 days and off for a month.  After the second round of pills, dad will have another MRI to determine how the tumors are handling the second round.

Dad has been enjoying watching all the Olympic events!  But can hardly wait for DUCK season...and I don't mean hunting for all those non-duck fans.  I am sure if you were to ask when the first game is, he would be able to tell you before you even finished the sentence.  What a loyal fan- definitely the biggest duck fan I know.

Thank you again for all the love, support, prayers, gifts (bread, cookies, goodies, lots of diet coke and chocolate and everything else I might have forgotten).  Thank you for those that have helped with the girls!  It really does mean a lot!  Also, thank you for those that have helped financially!  We can't not express how grateful we are for the generosity of those that have helped out in that way!

Dad wants to thank you all for the emails (dad loves to read emails from old friends- remembering the good old days..., calls, visits, texts, lunches, and whatever else that I may have forgotten.

So, thank you again to everyone!

Love, the Figgats

Dad and Kacey on U of O campus- GO DUCKS!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A little update on dad:

Dad and his trusty side kick/best friend Rufus!

This past week dad finished his second round of chemo.  His body handled the chemo well, no real side effects, which is good.  He will have a follow-up MRI at the end of the month.  Dad is having some difficulty with memory and his balance.  He is still on a small dose of steroids to help with his balance, which does help.  His feet and ankles have been swollen quite a bit- more so his left.  His oncologist did an ultrasound to make sure there wasn't any blog clots in his feet- fortunately that came back negative.  Dad has been told to relax with his feet elevated with pillows- for all those that know dad relaxing and not doing anything for long periods of time does not suite him well but he has done well with it- even though it is difficult for him to not to anything.  Overall and considering the circumstances, dad is doing good.  Just enjoying each day at a time.

We, as a family want to thank everyone again for all the support that has been shown our way.  Through thoughts, prayers, delicious cookies, bread, all the other goodies, library days for the girls and especially the financial help that so many of you have offered to us at this time.  We are so grateful!  

Love, the Figgats 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Check Up

Dad mini golfing with Jessica and Ashley!

On Friday, Dad had his check up appointment with his oncologist to make sure that everything was good since he has recently been off the chemo pills.  Considering dad's situation he is doing well.  Communication for him is limited and difficult at times as many of you know.  He does get tired very easily throughout the day but knows when he needs to lay down and rest.  Nights are especially  difficult for him.  Dad seems to have a difficult time falling and staying asleep.  He is usually up all night wondering the house, which makes it especially difficult on my mom being up with him and checking up on him.  Through out all this, Dad still has a very positive attitude.  He still has his sense of humor and will crack jokes throughout the day, he even throws a little sarcasm into the mix to keep everyone on their toes.

Dad's oncologist tried to slowly take him off his steroids a few weeks ago, but he started getting sharp pains in his head and his balance was completely off.  So now he is back on 6mg of steroids a day for about another week- they will then try to tapper off the steroids.

Dad will start his second round of chemo (Temodar) in the middle of July but his oncologist has decided to increase the dose by 100 mg.  After completing the second does of Temodar, he will have a MRI to see how the tumors are reacting to the Temodar- by then we will know a lot more.

Again, we wanted to thank you for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, emails and texts.  They mean so much to have such wonderful and supportive family and friends.  Dad has enjoyed his outings away from home with his friends, so thank you to those for their efforts!  Dad was able to join a friend to the track and field Olympic Trials at Autzen Stadium last weekend.  Despite the bad weather, he had a great time!  Later in the week some friends took him out for a round of golf.  He was worn out by the end of the day but had a lot of fun!  Mom has also enjoyed all the diet coke and chocolate people have dropped off (who wouldn't)!  For all those that have helped with Jess and Ash- we are so grateful for that.

Thank you again to those who have helped financially, it has been such a huge blessing and relief for our family, especially for mom!

Love, the Figgats

Monday, June 18, 2012

We just wanted to thank every one for all the thoughts, prayers, support, financial help, love and everything else!  We greatly appreciate everything during this difficult time.

A little update on dad:  he has started the chemo a few days ago- and he has been handling it well.  A few more days of taking the pills and then he will be off until next month.  He continues to love all the emails, texts, letters, memories of the good old days, etc.  They really make his day!  So thank you again!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pathology Update

The Pathologist got back to my parents this morning.  The tumor is a grade 3, anaplastic astrocytoma.  They also met with dad's oncologist, who is starting him on chemo.  The chemo pill is temodar.  Dad will be on it for 2 months, taking the pill for 5 days and then off the rest of the month and then 5 days again for the second month.  After the 2 months, dad will have a MRI to see how the tumors are reacting to the temodar.

Dad and Mom- what a great pair!

Thank you again for every one's thoughts, prayers, support, financial help, texts, emails and love!  They are all greatly appreciated!  Love the Figgats

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Monday morning dad had another MRI to get the "coordinates" for the tumor they were going to go after during the biopsy. The biopsy happened on Monday afternoon.  We were told that it would be 3 hours but it was finished in an hour and a half!  The doctor said that dad did great during surgery.  The neurosurgeon was able to go through dad's original incision, which made the whole surgery a lot easier.  We were told that dad would be spending 2 days in the hospital but was actually released today!  He was so excited to come home!  He is doing great- he has been resting a lot today.  We should have the results back from the biopsy in about 3-5 days. 

Dad, Frankie and Mom

Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers and support!  Also, for those that have sent dad texts, emails and comments- he loves receiving/reading them! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Nothing much happened today, except the meeting with my dad's neurosurgeon.  We are trying to get the biopsy scheduled for Monday morning.  After the procedure, dad will have to stay in the hospital for 2 days just to make sure everything is good and he is stable to go home.  I will give further update to the appointment when we find out for sure.

Another update.  Now that we have settled in back at home, finished the appointments for the day; dad and I went  to the bank to change some things on the account that has been set up for his medical expenses.  Checks can now just be written out to "John Figgat".  Wire/electronic transfers are still available, but there is a new checking account number, which is #471575246.  Checks can still be sent to:

Megan Hammond
881 West State St. #140-418
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

Dad is doing great today!  He loves all the comments that friends and loved ones have left on the blog.  Receiving emails (jfiggat@hotmail.com) and texts really make his day!  They get him to smile a little bit more :)  Thank you again for all the thoughts, prayers and support! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Today my parents met with their oncologist to discuss the chemo options.  Nothing can really be determined until my dad has a biopsy.  The doctors will then be able to decide what chemo treatments will be best.  Tomorrow they have a appointment with their neurosurgeon to schedule a date for the biopsy.  Other than that, dad has been doing great these past few days.  Today he was out mowing the lawn, cheering on his youngest two daughters at their triathlon, and babysitting his granddaughter!  We love you all!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today my parents went to meet with the chief radiologist.  We don't know much right now.  We do know that radiation is not an option at this time.  Tomorrow they are meeting with an oncologist to discuss further options.  Thank you again for every one's thoughts, prayers, love, support and to those that have helped financially- it is greatly appreciated!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mom and Dad at the hospital

This morning around 4:30 am, dad had a seizure.  He was taken to the American Fork Hospital where they performed a CT scan to determine if any bleeding of the brain had occurred.  The test came back negative and he was given an IV with dilantin.  This was to help reduce the likely hood of another seizure.  Around 8:00 he was stable enough to be released from the hospital.  Dad's first request after leaving the hospital was an egg Mcmuffin breakfast from McDonalds.  He has been resting today to prepare for his granddaughter's 1st birthday!  Thanks again for all the love and support!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dad enjoying a visit with some old friends
David, Tracy and Gary
Thanks guys for coming over!

My dad was finally able to get an appointment for his radiation/chemo consultation with the Willamette Valley Cancer Center for Tuesday.  We will let you know how that goes.  Thank you again for all the support!  We love you all!

Help Support the Family

We want to thank everyone for your support during this difficult time.  As many of you know our dad has been out of work for the past year and a half and money is tight with all the medical bills that have started to accumulate.  Many of you have asked how you can help the family.  We have decided to open a fund for anyone that would like to donate money to help ease the burden financially.  The money that will be donated will be used to help cover doctor visits, chemo, radiation, MRI's and other medical expenses.

We have set up a checking account with Chase Bank and would appreciate any monetary contributions to be contributed here.  Checks can be written out to "John Figgat".  The account number is #471575246.  Electronic wire transfers or checks are accepted.  Personal checks can be mailed to:

Megan Hammond
881 West State St. #140-418
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

We greatly appreciate all the thoughts, prayers, love and support that have been shown to our family!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So, my parents were able to get into my dad's doctor today.  His doctor is the same doctor that handled his first brain tumor about 15 years ago.  Here is what we know so far.  The type of tumor is called an anaplastic astrocytoma medium growing grade 3 tumor, which is a different type compared to his first tumor, which was a slow growing tumor.  Surgery at this time is not an option due to the middle tumor that has crossed the center line of the brain- so right now my dad's best option is to start radiation and chemo.  He has been on a low dose of steroids (Decadron, 2 milligrams, 3x a day) since Saturday, which have been helping a ton.  It has been shrinking the tumors, which in turn is relieving the pressure from his brain.  His doctor was very happy with that news, as are we!  His doctor is hoping that with the radiation and the chemo combined, the tumors will hopefully shrink more, giving my dad the possible opportunity for surgery if it is needed.  That is what we know so far.  My parents are now waiting to talk with the radiation and chemo doctors about how all this is going to work and what to expect.  Again, thank you all for your thought, prayers, love and support!  My family with dad in particular love all the emails, texts, etc so please keep them up!

More News To Come Soon.

The Dirty Dash 10K the Figgat Family ran, Summer 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dad, Mom and Baby Frankie-  June 2011
My family has decided to start a blog, in order to keep everyone up-to-date with what is going on.  I will start from the beginning.  As many of you already know my mom took my dad into the hospital Saturday afternoon to have some tests done.  Thanks to friends of my parents, they were able to pull some strings with everything that went on that day.  The diagnosis is this: 3 tumors were found.  One on the right (same side as the first tumor many years ago), one on the left and one in the middle.  We don't know anything else.  They hopefully will be able to get into the doctor Tuesday to discuss the options and so forth.  I will do my best to keep the blog updated so that everyone is informed as to what is going on.  I will be sending out a mass email to everyone that we know to inform them of the blog.  If there is anyone that I have left off, please forward this on to them or send me their email so I can have their email and forward this on to them!  Our family is so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers that have come our way in the past few days!  Thank you so much for all your love and support!